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Aging Among the Bengalies of Patna

Social Gerontology is relatively a new area of interest for the social scientists today. The demographic figures suggest an upward increase in the number of the aged. In the coming three or four decades, the number of persons in the age group of 65+ is likely to form a major part of our population. On the other hand, the present society is marked by a faster rate of change, growing individualism and migration from one place to the other. This seems to have adversely affected the lives of the aged. Decline of the joint family system has further aggravated the problems of the aged. As such, there is a need to study the life pattern of the aged. Many more empirial studies in this direction might help our planners and the government to evolve a proper policy to safeguard the interests of the aged. The present study is a very modest attempt to understand the problems of the aged Bengalies of Patna,. The scope is very limited. though, it makes us aware of the general social and family life of the aged Bengalíes. It would have been better if a comparison could have been made with the information on aged Bihari. But the constraint of being a lady investigator and that too alone, in data collection, made it Impossible to cover a wide range of respondents. No empirical study can be completed single-handedly. It is always The result of help from a number of persons, I must express my gratitude to all.

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Product Details :
Binding : Paperback
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 114
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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