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Women Agriculture Labour in Bihar

This book is an attempt to address these questions Dali men and women have been small peasants and comprise the major chunk of agricultural labour force. Bihar has been feudal society and agrarian relation has been basically a caste relation. The upper castes and dominant castes held lands and lower cases and Dalit provided labour. The labour castes were subjected to hard work and depended s the cash or kind they received from the employer land holding castes. So what is the impact of agricultural development and mechanization on Dalit women? This is the main question this book deals with. There are several scholarly works on agriculture in India. These works cover multiple issues like agricultural development, agri- business, agriculture crisis, scientific development in the field of agriculture, mechanization, modernization of agriculture sector, food curity, sustainable development, etc. However a majority of these dies are on the regions where the Green Revolution took place. There is a lack of such studies on the eastern part of the country particularly on the state of Bihar. Bahar is an agrarian state; it lacks Industries and mineral resources. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood. Still it lagged in agricultural growth and no sufficient attention has been given by policy makers, government as well as researchers. The existing writings on agriculture sector by policy makers or scholars mainly delve into two themes: first, how to increase agriculture produce and the second, how to align agriculture with market. So there is great reliance on scientific development in agriculture and mechanization of the sector. The question of caste, gender and land- labour dynamics in this sector has got little attention.  

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book ( Rural Development and Industrial Co-operative )
ISBN : 9.7882E+12
Language : English
Pages : 210
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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