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The Quit India Movement in Bihar & Jharkhand

The Quit India Movement was a milestone in the history of India's struggle for freedom. The freedom fighters of Bihar and Jharkhand had played a heroic and remarkable part in the people's spontaneous revolution of 1942-43 against the British rule. Almost in each Thanas of Bihar, there was a thrill of inspiration and a spontaneous response to Mahatma Gandhi's call for crusade - "Do or Die" and for ridding the country of the foreign domination. With the opening of the year 1942, the logic of world events was inexorably driving the country to the path of the great revolution of 1942. On the 7th December, 1941, by attacking Pearl Harbour, Japan crippled the United States Pacific Fleet. On the 10 December, the Prince of Wales, an unsinkable British battleship and others were lost by the British Pacific Feet Hong Kong fell to the Japanese late in December 1941. Thus Japanese approach to the borders of India, naturally produced grave consternation and panic throughout India. From 9th to 22nd February, 1942, General Chiang Kai-shek, accompanied by his wife visited India for the purpose of un pressing the Congress leaders to cooperate with the allies against Japan. On the 10 February, Jawahar Lal Nehru had discussion with Chiang Kai-shek at New Delhi On February 18, Marshal and Madame Chiang Kaishek called on Gandhiji in Calcutta On March 7. Rangoon fell Japan was knocking at the gates of India Afterwards Churchill woke up to the grim really of the Indian situation After four days the premier announced in the House of Commons on the 11th March. 1942 regarding the Cripps Mission as the Bush War Cabinet's emissary to India.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book ( Rural Development and Industrial Co-operative )
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 263
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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