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Sardar Patel Ideas And Leadership Roles

Vallabhbhai Patel has been one of the most enigmatic personalities among the political leaders of India. Though his contributions to national struggle, party-building and nation-building are acknowledged, he is not treated as a model for the nation-building in India of the future. He has been rather projected as an arch-conservative, reactionary, communal and as one who was not in tune with the modernization process of a nascent country with multi-religious and multi-lingual population and with stark poverty to fight with and aroused expectations to satisfy. The image that stuck to him may also be a political weapon to put him in place, that such engineers of image succeeded in their game may be a testimony to their political adroitness or its roots may be in the very character of politics that India started with Superficial division of Indian politicians into radicals and status quoists, secular and communalists and modems and traditionalists was a sharp but artificial on. It served a wind purpooe. The opponent can be showed to be on the wrong sale of the divide and the image of a ruling or winning wide to be painted a radical, secular and progressive The opponent would thus, be in disadvantageous position, even if he were honest and practical objective portrayal of the leader that Patel was a correct image and whether it was an objective another associated shed question is whether the model portrayal by Patel's thinking and action could have led to a better India of the future.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book ( Rural Development and Industrial Co-operative )
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 213
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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