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Land Rights and Land Relations in Bihar

There are few studies on the issues related to land rights in Bihar. Hence this publication fills a huge vacuum in the field. Land is a crucial factor for Bihar's economy and politics and land governance remains the most important factor in effective use of land as a productive resource. However, the legislative measures undertaken by the government have remained unimplemented for various socio-political reasons. Despite several efforts made for land reforms, land distribution has remained skewed. A large section of the population who primarily depends on agriculture and plays a crucial role in agriculture production are rendered landless. This book touches upon various crucial issues related to land resources and landlessness in Bihar. Tracing the history of land struggles in Bihar, the author has brought to fore various peasant movements for distribution of land equitable distribution of land. The book throws light on the high scale distress migration in rural Bihar which overburdens Women who have to manage households and agriculture Lack of agricultural land compels poor women to work as daily wag laborer's, which often expose them to exploitation of various kinds due to lack of security and bargaining power. The study also identifies policy and institutional constraints and opportunities for engagement at the state and district levels. The findings of this study, it is hoped, will be instrumental in advocating security in land rights for the poor and women through adoption of appropriate policies and/or programmers by the state.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book ( Rural Development and Industrial Co-operative )
ISBN : 9.7882E+12
Language : English
Pages : 215
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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