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Aspects of Society and Economy of Medieval Mithila

The monograph discusses some important aspects of socio-economic life of medieval Mithila which had not yet fully attracted the notice of the historians. Some of the traits of the cultural life of the people during this period are fascinating, so absorbing that it is hard to come across its parallel elsewhere in the country. The Pant system introduced in the first quarter of the 14th century AD during the reign period of King Harisimbadeva is a remarkable institution a study of which is necessary for knowing the complexities of the social organisation in north- eastern India It also throws refreshing light on the economic set-up as well as the evolution and growth of Sanskrit and Maithili literature of the period. For the first time a comprehensive study of this vital institution bas been presented in the monograph. The institution of slavery was yet another unique feature of the medieval Mithila society the like of which we hardly come across elsewhere. The classification of slaves and their sale and purchase speak of the deep-rooted feudal organisation, its virtues and vices. The monography also presents an analysis of the different trends in the field of economy during this period and highlights for the first time the growth of trade and commerce and its ultimate decline with the advent of the East India company on the political horizon of the country. In all, the monography may be termed as the first study of its kind of the various currents and cross-currents in socio-economic life of Mithila during the period under review which for tong will serve as a guide book to the re- searchers in the field.

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Pages : 153
Made In : India

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