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Changing Structure and Function of Bihar Police Organisation

Police plays an important role in the maintenance of law and order within the society. As per day to day observation police and public reports No poles. As far as co-operation and attitude is concerned, irrespective of their educational levels, police seems to be the representative ruling party always oppressing the public, whereas police complain of in-cooperation and lack of understanding from the public. As a result of this price exists as an isolated group in the society. For efficient work there should be clear understanding and co-operation between two variables of the society. The police is a body of civil officers, organised under authority of the Government of a country, whose duties are to maintain peace and law and order, to prevent and to detect crime, to arrest oflenders, to control mob and road traffic, execute warrants and maintain records etc. The present form of the organisational Set up of the Bihar Police, is considerably different in its, equipment and functional activities from the past. Therefore. the situation lending to the growth and development vis-a-vis the diverse function of the police force the state of Bihar is essential to be analysed. Information regarding the police has been mainly focused on the history, structure and function of the Bihar Police Organisation Randomly persons have been selected from the Patna Police and some persons from common people of Patna town for the study on Police Public Relationship and Socio Economic background of police of Bihar.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 263
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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