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Child Labour in Beedi Industry

The issue of Child Labour is a worldwide phenomenon and it exists in almost all the countries of this planet. Meanwhile it is very sad to write that our India is one among the nations in the world, which has the unique distinction of being a large employer of Child Labour. Since Child Labour is a more complex natured problem, a balanced approach is needed to solve this issue with an interactive role from all concerned people and the agencies. It is right time for all highly and really to think regarding ensuring of better social, political and economic lives of all sections of the society, atleast in this new millennium. Child Labour is a menace, it's a curse, a stigma on the face of our society Regretfully, the number of working children in our country is increasing every year and that is despite all efforts and claims made by the government. organizations and NGOs in this regard Infact, the children. working for earning livbilihood, lose all the pleasures of life and the potential of growth and development. Each and every chapter of this book different outlook on the problem to the readers This book will be highly useful to academic people anthropologists, policy makers NGO, and others interested in studying the growing problems for child labour.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 136
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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