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History of the Six Revolutionaries of Bihar

The little work is to high light the role and part played by our six great revolutionary leaders. escaped from Hazaribagh Jail in 1942. Among them Yogendra Shukla and Gulali Sonar were ardent patriot returned from KALAPANI. Suraj Narayan Singh was also a member of Hindustan Socialist Republican Army and convener of Azad Dasia in Bihar who achieved martyrdom as a champion of labourers being M.L.A. in 1973. Ram Nandan Mishra and Shaligram Singh were also a member of CS.P.. When the machinery of Colonial Government had let loose engines of repression to stamp out the popular upheaval, these SIX national heroes came out and dedicated themselves To the service of the motherland at the crucial moment. Jayaprakash Narayan organized AZAD DASTA in Nepal Tara, Credit goes to Gulali Sonar and Suran Narayan Singh so fight vigorously armed struggle till their arrest in Benares in Nov 1944 for ridding the country of British domination. After the attainment of independence J.P. served the Society with great devotion and distinction and organized the Janata Party and its government in the Centre as the first non Congress Ministry in 1977 and demised when it fell down in half way Really, all these patriots were full of astonishing richness of head and heart.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 116
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan

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