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Khuswant Singh His Mind And Art

Book entitled "Khushwant Singh: His art of writing" is a valuable contribution in the field of Indian English Literature. The book adopts a proper period division, related writers and schools firmly changing its socio-political conditions. Viewing Indian English Literature as essentially a significant by product of the eventful encounter between India and the Indian ethos on the one hand, and England, the English language and western culture on the other, the present work tries to trace the course of th literature from 1809, the when probably the composition of English was published. Khushwant Singh's novels are more or less an untouched area. Few critical works have been done on his novels. Full length studies of the four novels. Train to Pakistan. I shall not Hear the Nightingale Delhi, The Company Women are yet to be estimated by any writer in Singh form This work is aimed at making a critical appraisal of social realism of Khuhwant Singh.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 175
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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