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Morality and Politics: The Perspective of JayaprakashNarayan

This edited book pertains to the study of untouched aspects of contributions of JayPrakash Narayan. This great legacy of JP may go unnoticed, if we don't discuss the pinnacle of morality. manifested through various facets of the actions and activities of Jay Prakash Ji. The Indian knowledge traditions and the Gandhian experiments had wide influence on the works of JP The present intellectual discourse and the ongoing narratives are not giving weightage to these thematic issues, so it's a very tedious task to hold seminar symposium on the issue of Polity and Morality. These two words act together or react; our paper presenter and contributor have tried to study this dichotomy. The internet era has reduced the role of printed materials written documents Books in searching and researching of information and knowledge, But sure the over dependence internet is going to be curtailed in very near future and then the quest and thirst for the books will crop up, and in that period such books will come to the rescue of the intellectual, activist and curious readers

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 695
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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