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Performance of Regional Rural Banks in Bihar & Jharkhand

Book entitled Performance of Regional Rural Banks in Bihar & Jharkhand is a valuable contribution in the field of Commerce and Economics. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were set-up in October 1975- Regional Rural Banks provides credit assistances to the rural poor for development of agriculture, trade, commerce and other productive activities. RRBs have grown in number from just 5 in October 1975. In earlier years their progress and performance have not been up to full expectations. The banks have faced losses and operational problems. The book makes an attempt to analyses performances of Regional Rural Bank in Bihar (including Jharkhand) in the background of the ideas for creation of the institution, the study begins with a book into changing scenario of rural banking leading to genesis of Regional Rural Banks Since Independence government gave high priority to the alleviation of acute and massive rural poverty the country in 70's 70% of the populations leave in rural areas. The book deals the idea for setting up the RRBs. The emergence of the RRBs on the screen of rural finance, the functional characteristics, the growth and working of the Regional Rural banks. The book has also suggested how Regional Rural Banks have enable them to play their role effectively as nucleus of rural development program. They carry out government operations like disbursement of wages of MANREGA workers, distribution of Pensions etc. They provides Para Banking facilities and small Financial Bank.

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Pages : 153
Made In : India

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