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Personality And Stress

The present book entitled Personality and Stress' is a unique in the sense that it throw light upon the impact of stress upon different aspects of presently as well as upon the relationship between stress and various other background factors. This book has been written in six chapters. In first chapter which is that of Introduction attempts has been made to explain the various models of stress, the concept organizational role stress and stage of work stress. A light has also been thrown upon Indian approach work stress. Methodology part of the study constitutes third chapter. It provides a good base for all those future researches who want to undertake the research in the concerned field. Chapter on Results Discussion provides further in depth analysis of the work done. The entire structure of the book is lucid and easy to read. The writing is consistent in both level and is convenient for students to follow.

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₹ 320 ₹400


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Product Details :
Pages : 153
Made In : India

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