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The Child in Bihar A Situation Analysis

The volume scans the important facets of the state of the Child in Bihar.' In the test paper comprising the book, the authors have reviewed the current situation with reference to child health, education, child rights, child labor, child abuse and child protection in the light of the State's commitment to the national policy on the child as well as to adherence to the international conventions. Studies have revealed that there is a big gap between promise and performance. The State and the society have a long way to go to fulfill the commitment. A sense of urgency has to be infused in the State machinery in this regard. Flawed policies and laws have to be revamped. Indifference and apathy on the part of the bureaucracy, police and the civil society have to be shaken off. Children have to be protected against malnutrition, discrimination and exploitation, Special attention has to be paid to the well being of children in distress and those belonging to due disadvantaged groups and minorities Stepped up investment in children is the guarantee for sustainable development in the times to come.

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Product Details :
Pages : 153
Made In : India

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