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Uprisings Against Colonialism In Jharkhand

This volume is manifestation of the author's profound Jharkhand, its history and its people. This book takes a fresh look at the imperial records and other available sources to trace the origin of popular uprisings in Jharkhand. It is not easy task to cover more than one century in one volume. Still, this work begins with the Kol uprisings and concludes three years before India met its destiny. After the Kol, and Santhal rebellions of the 19th century, it discusses the 1857 revolt in the region from a new perspective. For the first time, the importance of the Grand Trunk Road in the victory of the British army has been discussed. The author's look at this long stretch of road is sure to add to the existing debate about this important phase of national history. The author also challenges the existing norms by questioning the role of Rajas. Zamindars, Jagirdars, and Ghatwals who remained loyal to the British during the Revolt. His analysis of the role of Raja Arjun Singh of Porahat, and other rajas will be of interest to even common readers. By including the unknown and humble persons in this work, the author tries to give a new meaning to "History from below" This work raises questions on the accepted norms of heroes, and leaders under the changing perspective of history writing. where the focus is coming on the common man and his world.

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Product Details :
Binding : Hardcover
Genre : Research Book ( Rural Development and Industrial Co-operative )
ISBN : 9.78938E+12
Language : English
Pages : 149
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan
Made In : India

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